stuffnads, local and safe classifieds market in the USA.

Earn $1000 / mo. Part-time, Watching & Giving Comments on Commercials, TV Pilot Programs, etc. in Rockford, Illinois For Sale

Price: $25
Type: Business oportunities, For Sale - Private.

Earn up to $25 per hour watching Better Than You Tube-Type Videos.
Also, huge management 6-figure opportunity.
Advertising giant needs over fifty thousands people over the age of 21
to invest up to 10 hours weekly giving comments on commercials, TV
pilot programs, movie trailers, video surveys and so much more.
Over 90% can be done from any smartphone or computer anytime/anywhere,
24/7 from the comfort of your home or on the road.
It's YouTube in reverse. At YouTube they pay people mega millions to drive
viewers to high traffic sites. THW Global will be paying millions to the viewers
to watch content, not place content.
There are no fees or gimmicks to start working with our company.
For more information, click on the link below to go to our website or respond to
this listing by email.
Again, must be older than 21 and have a minimum of a high school diploma.